Account Health Auditing
Want to see if your account is in good standing? Interested in selling your Amazon Account? With our account auditing, you will receive a detailed and thorough report of your account’s health and status!
During our audit, we will perform:
Notification Analysis
Go over your notifications, performance metrics, and customer communication. It’s important to identify and respond to important notifications.
Assess Customer Messaging
Review feedback/ review request messaging as applicable.
What are the day-to-day procedures you need to do, and how to do them efficiently and correctly.
Going beyond metrics
Check all metrics / identify causes for all future potential problems
Evaluate Account Standing
Examine past correspondence with performance and policy teams for the quality of content/ success rate
Identify Threats
Examine Performance notifications for any threats to account health
Identify Problematic ASINS
Identify feedback or listing content that may be driving Returns, Complaints or other negative attention and warnings. We will work with you to help improve your overall performance in all areas!