Have you ever purchased on Amazon? Have you ever had to contact customer support? Chances are good, that it was a seamless and positive experience. As a “customer-centric” company, Amazon has developed a well-earned reputation for excellent customer support. Now, if you’re an Amazon seller, have you ever tried to contact seller support? Connecting with the Seller Support team can often be a frustrating and time-consuming process.

We’ve decided to share some tips that may help you get the best support possible and (hopefully) reach the best person to help solve your challenges.

amazon seller suspensions axelligence pro seller tips

Is your account is suspended? Look for the “call me now” button on your dashboard. If you’ve found it, use it!  If you’re not a suspended seller, or if you don’t have access to the “call me now” button:

This may be the fastest solution to get complicated questions answered, without the need for repetitive emails!

amazon seller suspensions axelligence pro seller tips

Pro Tip – Be Respectful, but ask LOTS of Questions!

Although the person at the other end may not be able to solve your problem, they will be the gateway to a solution. Not only do they take notes about your conversations, but they also have access to your account.  No matter how frustrated you are by the process or the reason for calling, being patient, polite, and professional will always yield much greater results.  

amazon seller suspensions axelligence pro seller tips

Eligible for Brand Registry? Fraudulent activity spotted on your account? Did you know: A benefit of Brand Registry is the ability to reach seller support quickly and efficiently

Don’t Forget to Follow up!!

If your urgent issue isn’t resolved immediately, follow up (politely, of course) to ensure that your case has been addressed.

Let Axelligence do the Heavy Lifting!

You have the desire, but don’t have the time, energy stamina to make the effort? Let the  Axelligence team do your heavy lifting!! We are ready to help with all your performance issues on your Amazon seller account. From opening accounts to account suspensions, our expert team is here for you!

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